Brazil 45 Boxset Curated by Mike D – 5 x Vinyl 7″
‘Limited Edition Clamshell Box’, which doubles up as a DJ box for your Brazil 45s collection.
A. Inês Soares – Toyota – Um Amor Para Toda A Vida / B. Nichollas Mariano – Dita Cuja / C. Sebastião Tapajos / Pedro Dos Santos – Cantico Del Agua / D. Pedro Dos Santos Y Sebastião Tapajos – Todo Es Moda (Tudo É Moda) / E. Hareton + Meta – KM110 / F. Hareton + Meta – Hippie 12 / G. Módulo 1000 – Big Mama / H. Módulo 1000 – Isto Não Quer Dizer Nada / I. Erasmo Carlos – É Preciso Dar Um Jeito, Meu Amigo J. Erasmo Carlos – Meu mar
For the fourth instalment of our much-loved Brazil 45 Boxset series, we have the privilege of presenting a selection from true hip-hop royalty, Mike D of Beastie Boys. The boxset brief is simple, a curated selection of your most beloved tracks from Brazil’s rich musical tapestry. Mike didn’t disappoint, digging deep to unearth incredible funky psych rock, dreamy MPB and experimental nuggets. In a reflection of his most famed musical output of hip-hop and hardcore punk; it’s no surprise he has cherry-picked from the experimental and leftfield side of what Brazil has to offer.
Things kick off on the first 45 with a curveball. An obscure and mysterious promotional only 7″ track by Inês Soares recorded for Toyota cars and originally released in Portugal. This is paired with Nicholas Mariano’s solitary 7″ single ‘Dita Cuja’, an ultra-raw, distorted, garage rock rough diamond. Up next, we have two leftfield offerings from the visionary composer / percussionist / instrument inventor, Pedro Santos, alongside guitarist Sebastião Tapajós. These are followed by two slices of genius taken off Hareton Salvanini’s sought-after Hareton + Meta EP from 1971. Circling back to the psychedelic rock vibe, we have both sides of a supremely rare Modulo 1000 7″ compacto originally released on Odeon Records in 1970. Mike’s love for the dreamy 70s MPB / ‘Clube Da Esquina-esque’ lush sound is represented by two selections from the impeccable Erasmo Carlos.
Having Mike involved, we knew this project was going to be special. He has delivered a wondrous boxset that has his identity stamped and forged in the selection.