Funk Carioca compiled by Tetine – Vinyl LP/CD
1. Os Salientes – Fofucha Preparada / 2. Bonde Do Tigrão – O Baile Todo / 3. Amilckar & Chocolate – Som De Preto / 4. Os K-rrascos & Vanessinha Do Picatchu – Bochecha Ardendo / 5. Tihuana – Pula / 6. Deise Tigrona – Injeção / 7. Bonde Do Tigrão – Cerol Na Mão / 8. MC Batata – Feira De Acari / 9. Cidinho & Doca – Rap Da Felicidade / 10. Tati Quebra Barraco – Se Marcar / 11. Bonde Neurose – Break Da Caveira / 12. Bonde Das Bad Girls – Montagem Skollboll / 13. Raffa – Microondas / 14. Xerife Do Funk – Donzela / 15. Bonde Faz Gostoso – Cavalo De Pau / 16. Gaiola Das Popozudas – Vai Danada / 17. Tati Quebra Barraco – Demole O Meu Barraco
This album is the first European compilation entirely dedicated to Funk Carioca, or Baille Funk.
Slum Dunk is a musical collective made up of Brazilian artists residing in London. At the core of Slum Dunk is the electronic duo Tetine, itself made up of Eliete Mejorado and Bruno Verner.
The album features the godfather of ‘Funk’ DJ Marlboro, who runs the Funk scene in Rio with his daily radio show that broadcasts to hundreds of thousands. Other amazing artists included in this compilation are Tati Quebra Barraco, MC Vanessinha, Bonde do Tigro and XXX-rated tunes from Proibido.