Noelita – Sambalanca / Doris Monteiro – E Isso Ai – 7″ Vinyl
Brazil 45, number 37:
A. Noelita – Sambalanca / AA. Doris Monteiro – E Isso Ai
‘Sambalanca’ is a quirky, upbeat samba, originally released in 1973 on Copacabana. Organ and horn lines bubble under the drum groove and percussion. Taken from her only LP ‘Quando Me Sinto Só’ released in 1975. Sought after and expensive in it’s original form.
‘E Isso Ai’ is the instantly recognisable, original version of the classic and much covered ‘E Isso Ai’. Beautiful laid back samba/MPB, drenched in horns and percussion. Taken from her 1971 Odeon LP. This is the second time the hugely prolific Doris Monteiro has featured in our Brazil 45’s series; previously with ‘Se Vocé Quiser Mas Sem Bronquear’ on number 9.